Thursday 17 June 2010

Single and not that bothered at the moment

There are two types of people/couple that I hate:

1) Couples that cannot keep their hands off each other everytime they meet, on the bus, outside the house etc.

2) People that whine about relationship problems and post breakup whines.

I've gotten into trouble about this a few times mentioning my opinion on relationships and whatnots so I'm going to tread pretty carefully in this blog.

Okay, I am single and those who know me probably know that I am an anti-relationship kind of guy. That doesn't mean that I wanna stay single for the rest of my life. I'm just critical of people in relationships that's all.

If all people do in a relationship is do them two things above over and over, it almost makes me wonder why anyone would ever be in a relationship in the first place. Yes there are perks and stuff but it's a constant cycle to some people: You get together, you do stuff and then you break up, you whine, you get over it and you find someone else. This goes on until

a) you finally find 'the one'
b) you're dead
c) you become asexual
or d) you are the last person on earth

I see this a lot on Facebook (notice how my blogs seem to always have a lot to do with FB.... coincidence I guess). People going 'I love you' and 'You're the only one for me' or 'I'd die for you'. and when they break up, SOME people then go 'OMG i can't believe he/she left me! men/women are bastards!' and then they go through some sort of similar emo phase and decides to tell all their friends that they still hate him/her. Yes I understand they're still grieving like their dog still died and they want to let out their frustrations but things like this turn Facebook into Frownbook :(. Maybe they can vent their frustrations through another medium perhaps (how about blogging?)

Perhaps you can call me the unromantic type and I probably won't realise these problems properly until I actually find a girlfriend (in which case, all of you are more than happy to criticise my hypocrisy about this blog and pretty much take the piss out of me for it :P ) and go through the same stages.

So to anyone who reads this thinking 'Oh I'm going to stop ranting about my relationship problems because Will Ho said So!', that's not my point in what I'm saying, I mean yes I hate people who do it, but go ahead and vent your frustration! Just don't expect me to keep interested in your topic for more than a couple of weeks (and probably expect me to hide you people from my news feed for a little while). There's some sort of algorithm for how long people get over a relationship, I think it was off Friends. Was it a quarter of the time of the length of a relationship or something?

On this note, I should probably say I'm not sure if I ever give good relationship advice to people at times so take my words with caution I guess.

Oh and btw, I'm an absolute hoot during Valentines Day(!) :P

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