Sunday 6 June 2010

Clearly I am Procrastinating!

Day before my 2nd last ever exam and here I am blogging. Why? I dunno, maybe I'm putting my mind off things. Maybe I'm in denial about my exam. Or maybe I'm just that awesome that I think I can get a first in this exam without revising at all. (or maybe I'm just lying about that last point...)

So as I walk about town clearly trying to avoid my work, I see some other students already celebrating that they've already finished. (lucky buggers...) and then hearing what people are gonna do after they graduate. The overall response? Nothing at all or nothing related to their field. Although saying that, I have heard of some people getting jobs already sorted once they've graduated that's related in their field.

But seeing as jobs are going to be clearly difficult to get this year with all the debts and everything, what's there to do? Perhaps working in MaccyDs would be a start but that would sort of defeat the whole point of going to uni in the first place. Although I wonder if getting a job in McDonalds requires a degree in burger flipping or not... I mean if that's the case, then I've got a first in sarcasm... even though my limited use for that degree would be in sarcasm.

I don't wanna offend anyone who works in McDonalds. I mean I'm sure there's plenty of benefits working there. Smelling of grease after work, getting paid, having some basic cooking knowledge etc. But it feels like ending up in a crappy job like that after your degrees just means you wasted 30k in debt and not making use of it at all. I mean I'm about to get an engineering degree and maybe it'll help me in the long run when I want to build my own house out of straw, sticks and bricks (and then the big bad wolf to blow it all down). I just don't wanna waste 30k down the drain just so I end up wasting my life saying 'Do you want fries with that?'

At the moment I have no plans once I graduate although I am looking for any post grad stuff available or any jobs that pop up. At the moment, I haven't even planned what I'm doing 3 weeks from now let alone 3 months or 3 years from now!

Clearly I am rambling on and attacking any Mcdonalds worker so I'll keep this post up but I'll delete it once I've finished my exams and realised I'm offending a certain group of people.

And there we go. Another WHoRRAIP down the drain. (Wierdly, that mixed acronym sounds like WHOR RAIP. Or Whore Rape as far as I can see...)

Will write again soon I guess.

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