Friday 30 September 2011

When you've finished studying.... now what?

It's been a while since my last post. Mostly because I've spent 3 months in social obscurity and writing my dissertation. Now that I've finished, I'm left unemployed, partially bored and having nothing currently set in stone for the future.

This time last year, I was stressing out because I was still looking for work and for something to do after I graduated from Warwick. When you live with your parents and stuck in the house because you have no money, no job and nothing planned ahead, it sort of makes you feel like shit.

This year, not much has changed, I'm still looking for work, I'm living with my parents again but yet I don't feel stressed. I'm keeping myself occupied, I'm enjoying the current time I have free from studying and although I am looking for jobs, not applying for the first thing that comes up.

Yes, I'm aware that the job market is in the dumps at the moment and the so called 'economic crisis' is really shutting everyone down. But as I'm looking for jobs and applying for the dole, I'm not forcing myself to pick up any job that pops up on the advertisement. For one, the first that popped up was a hairdresser and frankly, would just be hypocritical because of my terrible hairstyle :P. But also, I'm aiming for something this time.

So far since I finished my uni courses, I've fixed things, applied for jobs, made videos and writing blogs. And that's all in about a week. Ironically, I've been more productive during this week than the last few weeks of my dissertation!