Tuesday 29 June 2010

Another World Cup Year, Another Disappointment

Sometimes I can have a limited knowledge in some sports but I do have a decently vague knowledge of the football.

Yes England played badly and yes there was THAT lampard goal that didn't get in. And yes, we had our arses handed to the germans for them to make bratwurst out of and sell back to us at an inflated price!

I do feel that testing a team's ability within 3-7 games is not a true reflection of how a team will play. Luck plays a pretty big part in tournaments like this and it's all about who's got the biggest hunger for the win, who has the bigger lion chasing right behind them and who has the bigger weapon to take down their foe. In other words, it's all about the balls!

Having said this, I cannot use this as an excuse for how England played, they played awful through all of that game (and against USA and Algeria) and the German's made frankfurters out of England's pigsty of their defence. Saying that, there was about 20-30 minutes of very good play during the end of the first half and about the start of the 2nd and it's a shame that only 2 actually went in and only 1 was counted.

Yes, the debate kicks off again with referee's and their mistakes. If there wasn't a big enough reason already as to why football is flawed, this is one of them. Lampard's goal was clearly in by a clear few yards and the whole world saw it except for 1 person. One person on that pitch who's only job is to check if that ball was in or not in that situation. (How hard can that be huh?)

I've compared the referee's on football to the referee's in WWE wrestling. Both have the final say in the final outcome and both are constantly argued about and can be at times more blind than Stevie Wonder. Of course WWE is acted whereas this World Cup is real.

The shot is almost a direct homage to the legendary 1966 match where Geoff Hurst has a similar position and the goal was (eventually) given. At the time, there were no goal technologies or camera angles to show that it was in. That was 44 years ago! Why are we still using 44 year old methods to detect a goal where in that time we have cameras, crowds and video technology to prove that it was in?! TV has shown when players are offside, when players are commiting fouls, every little bit of detail on the game. If this is the case, then why is football still living in the past and using age-old rules in a modern technological age of sports? We have all the technology in the world from robots, to cameras to visual aids and yet FIFA still insist on using the one pair of human eyes to determine a goal!

Mistakes are part of life and that has to be accepted through this. What infuriates me more is not reacting to the mistake. It's bad enough making the wrong decision but it's even worse not to do anything about it! Argentina and Mexico is another clear example. Tevez clearly offside for everyone to see, and even the Argentinians themselves said they were offside and the big screen showed it as well. The referee was aware of it and yet STILL no action was taken to change this! The refs require split second decisions and they are always decisions that don't have to be taken so quickly! Tennis and cricket has hawk eye, Rugby and American Football has video replays (even the bloody americans have a better way of determining calls and their footballs aren't even round!) to determine decisions, seriously FIFA, why not you? Your methods and traditions are more outdated than a petrified lump of cheese!

So there's my 2 cents. Football has too many flaws and stubborn policies. When the USA got knocked out, the New York Post wrote as their headline: "This Sport is Stupid Anyway". And I can't rephrase it any better myself...

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Few things have happened since my last post.

First, big match tomorrow with England v Slovenia. GL to Fabio's Fab 23 and hopefully prove people wrong.

I was planning to make a blog about coming back home to hartlepool but the house now has a downgraded internet connection from 4MB to 0.5mb. My mum got convinced to have a smaller connection instead of actually cutting it off. Nice idea but 0.5MB connection is UNUSABLE! It's actually worse than 56k connections back in the 90s! I can't access anything so I've resorted to using my phone to check my emails and websites as well as my mum's 3G connection back home. You know your broadband is fucked if you can access your emails on a 3G connection and on my phone about 2 minutes before my broadband begins to even load the first image! I think it's just donating 5 quid to Virgin so we can waste electricity attempting to make a vague internet connection. argh!

Other thing I've glimpsed pass this week on TV is the most awful acronym ever to have appeared since AIDS was discovered: BB. Yes people, Big Brother is back, I was forced to watch one episode. Turns out the theme is on the circus and it seems fitting since we seem to have a very big freak show on it. So from what i've seen so far, it looks as dull as ever. Simply people incredibly desperate for TV fame and then becoming a minor celebrity. The prize money is probably no where near the actual money they get after the show from all the other stupid shows they further appear on.

But since it's the last ever series, I suppose I can let them do what ever they want since I'm not interested, the world cup is still on and I'm not ever gonna see it again.

Can't think of much else to write so I'll end it there I guess. I'll find something else to write about soon.

P.S Yes I am clearly aware of some of the hypocrisy in this blog.

Thursday 17 June 2010

Single and not that bothered at the moment

There are two types of people/couple that I hate:

1) Couples that cannot keep their hands off each other everytime they meet, on the bus, outside the house etc.

2) People that whine about relationship problems and post breakup whines.

I've gotten into trouble about this a few times mentioning my opinion on relationships and whatnots so I'm going to tread pretty carefully in this blog.

Okay, I am single and those who know me probably know that I am an anti-relationship kind of guy. That doesn't mean that I wanna stay single for the rest of my life. I'm just critical of people in relationships that's all.

If all people do in a relationship is do them two things above over and over, it almost makes me wonder why anyone would ever be in a relationship in the first place. Yes there are perks and stuff but it's a constant cycle to some people: You get together, you do stuff and then you break up, you whine, you get over it and you find someone else. This goes on until

a) you finally find 'the one'
b) you're dead
c) you become asexual
or d) you are the last person on earth

I see this a lot on Facebook (notice how my blogs seem to always have a lot to do with FB.... coincidence I guess). People going 'I love you' and 'You're the only one for me' or 'I'd die for you'. and when they break up, SOME people then go 'OMG i can't believe he/she left me! men/women are bastards!' and then they go through some sort of similar emo phase and decides to tell all their friends that they still hate him/her. Yes I understand they're still grieving like their dog still died and they want to let out their frustrations but things like this turn Facebook into Frownbook :(. Maybe they can vent their frustrations through another medium perhaps (how about blogging?)

Perhaps you can call me the unromantic type and I probably won't realise these problems properly until I actually find a girlfriend (in which case, all of you are more than happy to criticise my hypocrisy about this blog and pretty much take the piss out of me for it :P ) and go through the same stages.

So to anyone who reads this thinking 'Oh I'm going to stop ranting about my relationship problems because Will Ho said So!', that's not my point in what I'm saying, I mean yes I hate people who do it, but go ahead and vent your frustration! Just don't expect me to keep interested in your topic for more than a couple of weeks (and probably expect me to hide you people from my news feed for a little while). There's some sort of algorithm for how long people get over a relationship, I think it was off Friends. Was it a quarter of the time of the length of a relationship or something?

On this note, I should probably say I'm not sure if I ever give good relationship advice to people at times so take my words with caution I guess.

Oh and btw, I'm an absolute hoot during Valentines Day(!) :P

Friday 11 June 2010


Wow that was the most stressful few weeks of my life! Finally glad all my exams over and done with! I even finished 15 minutes early, opened a bottle of kopporberg in front of the exam room and waved goodbye to the people still in the exam room :D. And then spent the following 5 hours celebrating in the pub :)

So as I finish my exams and wait for my results to come through. I currently have absolutely nothing to do. Will probably need to find a job of some sort to make some money and perhaps play some poker.

Speaking of which, for all the poker readers who read this, I was hot, but now slooped down faster than Rob Green's confidence levels after fumbling that ball!

This blog was written in the space of 3 days so the main things that have occured is exams, the england game and this particular article....

all of these claim that people are banning the England flag because it might offend people. And of course these newspapers decide to make a massive deal about keeping PC and crap like that. These rumours have been going about for a while now along FB and the general media.

First of all, NO one is offended by the flag (and if they were, I'm pretty sure there would be a bigger uproar and people would actually hear from it rather than tabloids that have about as much credibility as me explaining to Phil Ivey how to play poker! (again another poker related joke, to the people who don't get this, it means don't believe that shit that comes out).

This rumours comes out at every major football tournament and all it is is to fuel the racial twats wanting to start a fight while secretly promoting more England shirts, flags and newspaper sales. SUCKERS!

And if they are banned, it's not for 'racial' reasons, it's more than likely to be due to safety issues (which is logical) or perhaps as a strict uniform policy, which makes a point. And just to add insult to irony, The Sun also gave away free england flags in their newspapers despite the so called 'ban'.

I haven't bought a newspaper in about 4 years and the only reason I bought that was to find my m8's photo in it. The main reason I stopped buying it is because I simply don't believe anything they write anymore. The only thing you can count on is the Page 3 norks popping out in the Sun, invading celebrities privacy and fucking Jordan having another crap reason to be in the front page of the Daily Star!

Alright, that's enough ranting for the day. Time to take off the Ranting Pants and get off.

Now go away :P

Monday 7 June 2010

Caffeine Power!!!

Just finished my second last exam today after going on a caffeine turbo run. Drank a couple cups of coffee and a few cans of red bull (or 'KICK', the Tesco equivalent) and was writing like mad! (But just because I was writing like mad doesn't mean I knew everything though... only the results will tell).

So as this blog (and 3 days till I finish my last exam... Whoop Whoop Whoop!), Just thought I'd talk about caffeine and red bull. Red Bull does NOT give you wings! The only exception is if you are a bird and the bird did not realise that it originally did not have wings (tell me if you ever see one of them)!

It does however make you work like mad and 6 hours later, it wears off and I pretty much crash out on the bed afterwards. Much like alcohol except you're hyper instead of drunk. I've drank so many energy drinks and lack of sleep over the few weeks from revision and exams that I wonder what it's doing to my insides.

After these exams, I'm planning to get back into fitness and see if I can still apply for a half marathon somewhere. As well as that, I'm planning to cleanse by body out while also celebrating my exams (obviously these 2 plans are going to clash).

But one more exam to go baby! :D

Sunday 6 June 2010

There is no type of weather that I am ever happy with

Every weather has its downsides. First it's absolutely scorching hot and dare not get out of the house because it's too hot and I'll get sunburnt. And right now, it is pissing down with rain and I can't get out of the house. I'd may as well become a daily mail reader since everything seems to scare me from going out of the house!

Therefore, my conclusion with weather is that the perfect weather is cloudy. Not too hot, not raining and light breeze of air. ...

More on this blog to come :)

Clearly I am Procrastinating!

Day before my 2nd last ever exam and here I am blogging. Why? I dunno, maybe I'm putting my mind off things. Maybe I'm in denial about my exam. Or maybe I'm just that awesome that I think I can get a first in this exam without revising at all. (or maybe I'm just lying about that last point...)

So as I walk about town clearly trying to avoid my work, I see some other students already celebrating that they've already finished. (lucky buggers...) and then hearing what people are gonna do after they graduate. The overall response? Nothing at all or nothing related to their field. Although saying that, I have heard of some people getting jobs already sorted once they've graduated that's related in their field.

But seeing as jobs are going to be clearly difficult to get this year with all the debts and everything, what's there to do? Perhaps working in MaccyDs would be a start but that would sort of defeat the whole point of going to uni in the first place. Although I wonder if getting a job in McDonalds requires a degree in burger flipping or not... I mean if that's the case, then I've got a first in sarcasm... even though my limited use for that degree would be in sarcasm.

I don't wanna offend anyone who works in McDonalds. I mean I'm sure there's plenty of benefits working there. Smelling of grease after work, getting paid, having some basic cooking knowledge etc. But it feels like ending up in a crappy job like that after your degrees just means you wasted 30k in debt and not making use of it at all. I mean I'm about to get an engineering degree and maybe it'll help me in the long run when I want to build my own house out of straw, sticks and bricks (and then the big bad wolf to blow it all down). I just don't wanna waste 30k down the drain just so I end up wasting my life saying 'Do you want fries with that?'

At the moment I have no plans once I graduate although I am looking for any post grad stuff available or any jobs that pop up. At the moment, I haven't even planned what I'm doing 3 weeks from now let alone 3 months or 3 years from now!

Clearly I am rambling on and attacking any Mcdonalds worker so I'll keep this post up but I'll delete it once I've finished my exams and realised I'm offending a certain group of people.

And there we go. Another WHoRRAIP down the drain. (Wierdly, that mixed acronym sounds like WHOR RAIP. Or Whore Rape as far as I can see...)

Will write again soon I guess.