Friday 11 June 2010


Wow that was the most stressful few weeks of my life! Finally glad all my exams over and done with! I even finished 15 minutes early, opened a bottle of kopporberg in front of the exam room and waved goodbye to the people still in the exam room :D. And then spent the following 5 hours celebrating in the pub :)

So as I finish my exams and wait for my results to come through. I currently have absolutely nothing to do. Will probably need to find a job of some sort to make some money and perhaps play some poker.

Speaking of which, for all the poker readers who read this, I was hot, but now slooped down faster than Rob Green's confidence levels after fumbling that ball!

This blog was written in the space of 3 days so the main things that have occured is exams, the england game and this particular article....

all of these claim that people are banning the England flag because it might offend people. And of course these newspapers decide to make a massive deal about keeping PC and crap like that. These rumours have been going about for a while now along FB and the general media.

First of all, NO one is offended by the flag (and if they were, I'm pretty sure there would be a bigger uproar and people would actually hear from it rather than tabloids that have about as much credibility as me explaining to Phil Ivey how to play poker! (again another poker related joke, to the people who don't get this, it means don't believe that shit that comes out).

This rumours comes out at every major football tournament and all it is is to fuel the racial twats wanting to start a fight while secretly promoting more England shirts, flags and newspaper sales. SUCKERS!

And if they are banned, it's not for 'racial' reasons, it's more than likely to be due to safety issues (which is logical) or perhaps as a strict uniform policy, which makes a point. And just to add insult to irony, The Sun also gave away free england flags in their newspapers despite the so called 'ban'.

I haven't bought a newspaper in about 4 years and the only reason I bought that was to find my m8's photo in it. The main reason I stopped buying it is because I simply don't believe anything they write anymore. The only thing you can count on is the Page 3 norks popping out in the Sun, invading celebrities privacy and fucking Jordan having another crap reason to be in the front page of the Daily Star!

Alright, that's enough ranting for the day. Time to take off the Ranting Pants and get off.

Now go away :P

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