Saturday 29 May 2010

Well my FB amnesty didn't last long... and fraping!

a grand total of 10 hours.... in fact, it was less than that because I found out I could still access everyone's status updates and posts on my other laptop without entering my password! Something tells me someone in the facebook offices needs to fix some of their 'security' issues...

And even then, I found out all I had to do to reactivate my account was to log-in as normal with my own password! What was the point of suspending and switching off my account then?!

So in total, the facebook deactivation didn't last long but I did manage to get through most of my exams alright (except for Thursday which was about as successful as Guy Fawkes bomb plot...)

But for my first 'real' blog, I thought I'd post about getting 'Fraped' a portmanteau of facebook and rape. At first glance, the name looks like attempting to have sex with a person on facebook without letting them know (I think they just call that rape afaik...) but it's basically altering or changing a person's FB account without letting them know.

It's quite amazing how many people leave their FB accounts open on their laptops and how tempting everyone is at trying to change it! It's like leaving a set of Twilight book amongst a horde of Tweeks (a portmanteau of Twilight and Geeks) and coming back seeing which 'Team' they're on (you twilight people know what I'm talking about!).

I write this after just being fraped from my house mate (cheers dave....) and changing my b'day to today... must be nice seeing friends I rarely speak to say happy birthday to me :)

I'm no saint, I've done it a few times... in fact a lot.... Alright! you probably can't trust me with your facebook open but it's all about what you do with it! So here's a list of different Frape types you can probably do.

The 'Coming out the Closet' Update - Basically announce that you have suddenly become gay to all your FB friends. Obviously this isn't as effective if the frape victim is already gay or is female. Although updating a girl's FB update say she's a lesbian would be an interesting talking point sometime... I don't think I've ever seen an FB update saying they were gay AND were serious about it. I'd feel bad for them since no one would believe them :P. There's lots of variations of this as well. 'I'm Pregnant', 'I'm gonna be a Dad', 'I got caught wanking inside a public bathroom', basically something embarassing or funny to say.

The Profile Change - change their settings to change their likes and dislikes, make them interested in men (see COTC above), change their views, change their sex, but them in a relationship (works EVEN better when the victim has added their parents/siblings on FB as well :D) or change their birthday, which immediately leads me to....

The 'Happy Birth'Rape! Changing their birthday so it is tomorrow or any other day that's not actually their birthday. Then see how everyone begins typing 'Happy Birthday!' into your wall and not getting why they're saying it so early. If you want, you could also do this to your own account and see how many 'real' friends actually know your real birthday. But expect to lose a few friends in that test :P (it does amaze me how some people you don't speak to much add you on facebook and don't speak to you except when it's your birthday... a true test of friendship?)

The Group Rape! - Join any conspicuous groups such as NAMBLA (look it up), GAY (again, see COTC), Nazi approval, Transvestite Attraction, Danger Wanks, stuff like that. The best Group Rape (aka Grape... wait that can't work) was when I saw the guy make a group 'If 1000 people join this group, I will run naked around town!') Unfortunately only 100 joined within a day before it got deleted...

The 'I like everything!' attack - Like every status update that pops up on the news feed. Doesn't matter which ones, finished exams, just had their first periods, broke up from a relationship, cat died, they tend to have a tough time explaining that :D

The 'Add my name' system! - Add everyone that has the same full or first name as the victim. A more sneaky frape since the victim doesn't tend to find out until a few days later when they see messages from people saying 'Why are you adding me?' and getting members of the opposite sex adding you even though they've never met you before (this only works if the victim is fit).

And finally...

The Love Rape! - Confess their love for someone on facebook, male or female, gay or straight, sibling or relative. Send a relationship request to them, message them on their walls or FB chat, the responses tend to be funny :)

And there we go! The 7 ways to rape someone (on facebook, if you really wanna rape someone, dont ask me... rohypnhol). Have fun fraping everyone's account and stop fraping mine!


Will Ho on the Go!


  1. So if one hundred people join the group you will run the Great North Run again?

  2. "first glance, the name [frape] looks like attempting to have sex with a person on facebook without letting them know "

    I'm fairly sure rape isn't having sex with someone without letting them know...

  3. i shouldve looked up the definition of rape before i wrote that sentance imo.

    and dave im thinking of doing the great north run again but im trying to get a group of friends going to come with me.
